
Showing posts with the label kwara state

Tertuary & Basic School Resumption Date Was Announced in Kwara State

Kwara state - tertiary institutions resumption day. NEWS BY:- Raymond  The kwara state government has announced 11 January as the resumption date for all academic activities include tertiary school in the state. The Chief press secretary to the governor of the state and spoke man for technical committee on coronavirus. Rafiu Ajakaye, Made the announcement in the statement issued in Ilorin the state capital on Friday January 1. Government has directed that the tertiary institutions should put in place the appropriate protocol to prevent the spread of the virus on campus. The coordinating ministry to the work with the state technical committee on coronavirus and others stakeholders to ensure that the school should not take sefety rules for granted. Specifically, the use of face mask is mandatory on campus and in lecture room. Authority are not to allowed anyone or students, otherwise in college facilities with out the use of face mask. Similarly, elementary school in the state are schedu